A summary of today's interview

今天下午去了B公司的宣讲会。 先说下背景。起先是不知道有面试的,以为会像其他校招一样,走个过场,宣传加简历一投,就OK。 可是B公司来头挺大。宣讲完毕后,还有笔试+面试。因为我根本就没有准备,答得很不好,面试也有点想到啥说啥的感觉。下面具体来讲下笔试和面试。 笔试 笔试的题不难,CS的基础课程知识偏多,++i, i++区别,几种常见数据结构特点,还有经典的从浏览器输入网址到看到页面发生了什么,数据库sql语句,烧绳子的智力题,简单的php知识点,二分法判断数字是否存在于数组,等。 基础很重要,数据结构,数据库,这都是很基本的。 编程题做的一塌糊涂。二分法属于很简单的算法了,可是我不撸代码好多天,这种简单的算法都没有写上。 SQL语句自认为逻辑清晰,可是,等提到面试再说。 数据结构也是描述得很笼统。栈后进先出,队列先进先出,链表元素顺序与存储位置无关,树分层。 写上这些太简单...
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Recursively download whole Ftp Directories

How to recursively download all files in a directory, with keeping the ftp’s directory structure? First, I want to use python spider to do this. Python script parse links and download links. But it will be some complicated, you need to judge which link is available. I googled a lot of pages, and never found a simple way to do this. Until I met one page, it said that wget can do this, an...
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csv文件全称为Comma-separated values,在用Excel处理csv文件时,经常会遇到一些棘手的编码问题。本文从查看csv文件和制作csv文件两个方面讨论。 查看csv文件 下面是用Python把数据写入csv文件的代码。 with open(file_name,'wb') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(data_list) 如果用记事本打开写入后的csv文件,得到的是以逗号为分隔符的raw data,如果某个字段的数据过长,整体的浏览体验很差。 为更好地查看和处理这些数据,我们用excel打开,结果英文显示正常,中文显示不正常: 出现这种问题的原因是Python写入的文件默认为UTF-8编码,而Excel在打开csv文件时并不会以UTF-8编码解析,所以显示不正常。这里提...
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We assume that Core PHP means solving a Mathematical problem by using paper and pen. Frame work means solving Mathematical problem by using a calculator. Core PHP-Solving Mathematical Problem Only some students can achieve results by using paper and pen as same as in PHP. Only a few of the developers can write the code in an easy way and reliable format. Framework - Solving Mathem...
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Install php 5.6 by yum on centos7

1.Install EPEL rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-9.noarch.rpm 2.Install REMI rpm -Uvh http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm 3.Enabling the Repo We need to make sure the repo is enabled and select which version you want to install. We need to head over to /etc/yum.repos.d you should inside see a file called remi.repo. Open the f...
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Install laravel on centos7

1.Requirement PHP >= 5.6.4 Install PHP 5.6 by yum on CentOS7 Mbstring PHP Extension yum install php-mbstring Others yum install php-xml 2.Install Composer php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'e115a8dc7871f15d853148a7fbac7da27d6c0030b848d9b3dc09e2a0388afed865e6a3d6b3c0fad45c48e2b5fc1196a...
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Run java in shell

Run java code in shell is simple. Before start, please make sure you has installed jdk. In CentOS7, run command below(here is 1.8.0): # yum install java-1.8.0-devel Then, Let’s begin. Create new file named Box.class and add below code: public class Box { public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello, world !"); } } Run ...
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Draw a pie chart by d3.js v4

Code <canvas width="300" height="300" id="pad"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> var data = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]; var canvas = document.getElementById("pad"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var width = canvas.width, height = canvas.height, radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2; var colors = function(){ return "hsl(" + Math.random() * 360 + ",...
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Vs2015 setup fix

When Install visual studio 2015, an error occurred: To fix this, follow steps below: click close or restart button uninstall MS VC++ 2015 Redistributables in Programs and Features download and install this file: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 restart the Visual Studio 2015 installation Install will be success. This passage is made by kyshel, Hope it’s useful ...
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July 2016 summary

Wow, time passes so fast~ July is complicated. All kinds of final exam, I spent much time on it. Even in review period, I have a mind that I want to write a book about Information Theory and Coding. Then, it comes out this: itc - online read Soon, I designed a system called sams. sams - see detail code It means Student Attendance Management System. Not very difficult, I just make...
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