Ten hours later, GUI finally back

I got lucky that GUI has been recovered after 10h troubleshooting. What happend These days I am learning a book called Deep Learning with Python. The author recommended that Ubuntu is preferred for running the codes than windows. And my mate also told me that the CUDA, which is designed by NVIDIA for boost tensor calculation, was only support linux when it comes in early ears. I have experie...
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Got stucked when install cuda on ubuntu 18.04

Really disappointed that I got a black tty after cuda installed by apt instructed by tensorflow official documents. The rough way to install CUDA Install CUDA is never easy. Huge documents should be read. Even you installed, U will met black screen like me very likely. Why this happen? Cause Graphic Card is not designed for machine-learning at first. It aims for games, and games rely on it. A...
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The dimension in deep learning

Never in my life I figure out the all kinds of dimension until scalar, vector, matrix, tensor was put together. In deep learning, the dimension puzzled me for a long time. Some time I think one image is multi dimensions like 10000 dimensions or more. And some time I think is 2 dimension. The key is SOMETIME. It means different situation. And in deep learning, out perspective is from dataset. ...
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What is currency?

Currency is consensus. Currency is only the thing that people take for trade. Why gold is global currency. Cause it have direct value from itself. It can turn to jewelry. It can turn to wire in the specific demand. And it seems like there is not so much on this blue planet. When massive gold appears, its concrete price will be collapse. Why cryptocurrency has price? Cause the creator desig...
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The gap between producer and consumer

they say, producer produce value. consumer consume it. how to be a producer? produce codes? make products? imagine the world in the wild era. the resource that u have is water, sunshine, air, coal, ore, seeds. what u can do is only make seeds to feed. make iron, metal, copper from ore, produce tools, weapons. with the tech develops, cars, plane, bot, space craft comes. with the micro ...
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What's the better life pattern?

Ok, guys, this post is not about technical, it’s about life, it;s about existence. 1 the current status For a long time, I have been in a new city for 3 years. There is a little time that I thought about the life styles. Is current live style match my expectations? It seems like, not a little. For the two years begin, I drown to work, and I also try to make something. But the uncountable tri...
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1 What is deep learning ? Deep Learning is a glossary of AI field. I do not want to give directly definition here. Rather I want to introduce the origin of it and let you have perceptual understanding. First, we need to know the Venn Graph among AI, ML, and DL. AI contains others, and ML contains DL, DL takes the most little area in Venn Graph. AI has a long history. It was born in 1950s. M...
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Next decade, We define it.

Time passed so fast. See what we have achieved so far. Laptop, phone, data-center, apps-value-billions, AI-Car, Battery-Car, rocket, Smart-wear, VR, AR. Tech changes never so huge like these years. We live in a new era, never happend in history, no matter the level of the civilization, the harmony of the world, the extreme pleasure feeling of the new things. So for the next decade, R U rea...
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Yolo v5, check it out!

Pre-post there has been a long time that I write my posts and pour energy into it. From today, I will write post everyday, consistently and persistently. What is yolov5 Yolov5 is a machine-learning object-detection framework. And the abbreviation means “You only look once. Version 5” It’s popular and widely used, and its easy to get started. Let’s see some features below. Why yolov5 Yol...
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Dive in question generation

问题生成(Question Generation) 指什么? “天是蓝的。” 请根据这句话出一道考试题。 “天是什么颜色的?” “什么是蓝色的?” …… 如上所述,能够对一段陈述句或一个知识点提出问题,而且问题的答案就是这句话,这就可以看作是问题生成。 据说如果程序能够实现问题生成,后续可以教人如何提出好的问题,构建知识库,甚至通过提出新问题生产新的知识,这着实人兴奋。 作者接下来准备启动一个项目,熟悉下问题生成这个领域。 项目介绍 项目代号为qg,对应question generation,下面是项目的基本信息。 目标 实现一个简单的QG程序 时间规划 2周 (2020.9.14-27) 项目阶段 项目分解为4个步骤,每个步骤将对应一篇md 搭建环境 熟悉一个nlp框架 熟悉一篇qg论文 实现一个简单的QG(根据文本生成问题)程序 ...
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