Dive into zabbix5.0

zabbix是一个监控平台,这里记录下deploy的过程。 zabbix架构 zabbix类似服务端+客户端的结构,server作为服务端,汇总监控数据并展示,agent作为客户端,收集被监控主机的信息,并送给server。但是这里有点不同的是,server和agent通信有两种方式,active和passive,这个主动被动的角度是从agent端来看的。大多数通信都是active,即agent主动向server端发起请求,但有时候server可能想立刻获得被监控主机的信息,这时候就是server向agent发起请求了,这就是passive方式。 server部署方式 打开官网界面,服务端部署方式很多,包括from packages、云镜像、容器镜像、现成的appliance、源码部署等。但它支持的os是主流Linux,包括rhel、centos、oracle linux、ubu...
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K8s explore

01 dive in k8s是什么? 官网上大字写着,Production-Grade Container Orchestration ,生产级别的容器交响乐,funny 一句话描述, Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. 重点集中在 deployment, scaling, automating, management。 02 概念 k8s中,抽象了很多概念,借助图形,这些概念很容易理解。可以结合docker的概念来协助理解。 Cluster > 组织 Master > 领头人 Node > A host, VM or phyzica...
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Forward remote port to local port

Background Imagine a scene: there is a server running in friend’s house, U want to ssh to that machine. But the LAN break your dream. Is there anyway to achieve this? The answer is YES, as long as U have another server that running on cloud. Let’s do it the solution is very simple, just a one-line command needs to be executed on friends server, as below: ssh -N -R *:11111:localhost:22 root@...
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Install php 7 on centos7

yum install epel-release yum install remi-release yum install yum-utils yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70 yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71 yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72 yum install php php-mcrypt php-cli php-gd php-curl php-mysql php-ldap php-zip php-fileinfo php -v
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快捷键若能够合理使用, 许多时候能提高效率。 手动猜测 以前只知道Ctrl+l可以清屏,Ctrl+c可以强制终止当前命令,可是26个字母怎么可能只用到这么几个键,又不想查手册,手动来一遍猜猜把 (为方便,Ctrl+L用^l代替): ^q 没反应 ^w 删除光标之前的1个word(删到空格 ^e end, 光标到末尾 ^r reverse-i-search 什么鬼,似乎是查找历史命令 ^t 置换光标处和光标前两个字符,这有啥用 ^y 粘贴被删掉的字符,不知这个y什么意思 ^u 删掉光标前所有字符,应该还有个光标后 ^i tab补全的alternative way ^o 运行,但不删除当前命令,这个功能好,加参数啥的方便 ^p preview,显示上一个命令,那么下一个应该是^n, next ^a ^e相反 ^s 冻住当前命令? 此时打...
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Use proxy in linux

0x01 Make it work wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py && python get-pip.py pip install shadowsocks sslocal -s your-ss-ip -p 443 -k "your-ss-code" -l 1080 -m aes-256-cfb --user nobody -d start curl --socks5 ip.cn yum -y install privoxy service privoxy start cp /etc/privoxy/config /etc/privoxy/config_bak vim /etc/privoxy/configensure below lines are n...
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Deploy centos7

Auto with .sh wget http://nixni.cc/chip/sh/deploy.sh chmod u+x deploy.sh . deploy.sh Manual basic tools yum -y install net-tools zip unzip vim elinks tree wget git curl ssh key login mkdir ~/.ssh ; vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys date sync yum install ntp -y chkconfig ntpd on ntpdate time.apple.com Timezone timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai epel yum install -y epel Docker yum instal...
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V0.5 Develop

Introduction This is my Fresh-New Blog with version 0.5. Built it for months, some insignificant-like particulars wasted the most time, as an idealist’s stubborn. Looking forward to meet one who like this version. Localize install rvm type as below rvm install 2.3 gem install jekyll bundler git clone https://github.com/kyshel/kyshel.github.io.git cd kyshel.github.io bundle instal...
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Install postgresql Server on centos7

Require yum install httpd php vim -y Install yum install postgresql-server phpPgAdmin postgresql-setup initdb service postgresql start && chkconfig postgresql on Config su postgres psql /passwd ^d ^d Allow Local Connection vim /usr/share/phpPgAdmin/conf/config.inc.php change $conf['extra_login_security'] = true; to $conf['extra_login_security'] = false; vim /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg...
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Open cygwin by putty

Install Cygwin with OpenSSH and VIM RIGHT MOUSE ON “Cygwin terminal” AND “RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR” $ ssh-host-config , follow steps. In step of “set value for sshd Daemon”, type ntsec Open control panel, Create a new account with administrator rights, set a password for this new account $ /bin/mkpasswd.exe -l -u [new_username] >> /etc/passwd (for example /bin/mkpasswd.exe -l -u ...
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