- 2021
- 2021-05-19 Ten hours later, GUI finally back
- 2021-05-17 Got stucked when install cuda on ubuntu 18.04
- 2021-05-11 The dimension in deep learning
- 2021-05-10 What is currency?
- 2021-05-09 The gap between producer and consumer
- 2021-05-08 What's the better life pattern?
- 2021-05-07 Dive in DEEP LEARNING
- 2021-05-06 Next decade, We define it.
- 2021-05-04 Yolo v5, check it out!
- 2020
- 2020-09-13 Dive in question generation
- 2020-05-28 Dive into zabbix5.0
- 2020-04-29 K8s explore
- 2019
- 2019-07-28 Forward remote port to local port
- 2018
- 2018-09-02 Install php 7 on centos7
- 2018-08-12 shell快捷键探索之旅
- 2018-06-04 Use proxy in linux
- 2018-05-28 Deploy centos7
- 2018-04-16 V0.5 Develop
- 2018-04-12 Install postgresql Server on centos7
- 2017
- 2017-09-07 Open cygwin by putty
- 2017-07-03 Compile OpenCV3.2 with VS2017 on Windows8.1
- 2017-06-14 Different stages when building a system
- 2017-04-27 Install opencv3.2 on centos7
- 2017-02-16 Jekyll Wordpress Sync - Wordpress插件的提交跟踪
- 2017-02-14 JWS - 可同步Jekyll文章的Wordress插件
- 2017-01-07 There is no bug
- 2017-01-04 《代码的未来》要点记录
- 2016
- 2016-12-15 论数据的组织与存储
- 2016-12-05 汇总二维数据表,导出多维Excel表格
- 2016-11-16 Install tesserocr
- 2016-10-26 A summary of today's interview
- 2016-10-05 Recursively download whole Ftp Directories
- 2016-09-20 CSV文件编码问题
- 2016-09-17 用原生php还是用框架
- 2016-09-07 Install php 5.6 by yum on centos7
- 2016-09-07 Install laravel on centos7
- 2016-09-02 Run java in shell
- 2016-08-22 Draw a pie chart by d3.js v4
- 2016-08-16 Vs2015 setup fix
- 2016-07-31 July 2016 summary
- 2016-05-31 May 2016 summary
- 2016-05-27 One key to save and run remote python code
- 2016-05-27 Nice softs recommend
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