Got stucked when install cuda on ubuntu 18.04

Really disappointed that I got a black tty after cuda installed by apt instructed by tensorflow official documents.

The rough way to install CUDA

Install CUDA is never easy. Huge documents should be read. Even you installed, U will met black screen like me very likely.

Why this happen? Cause Graphic Card is not designed for machine-learning at first. It aims for games, and games rely on it. After researchers discovered the potential for ML, it begins to prosperous.

Then the vendors, NVIDIA here, designed an architecture that U can use for boost ML, which name CUDA.

CUDA is integrated in Card. But you need drivers to get its power.

Drivers fucked me that I put 4 hours to install it on ubuntu then ubunt lost it’s GUI and the time is 2 AM.

Sleep with pity.

Next try

I will install CUDA and follows the manual on Nvidia official site instead of Tensorflow docs.

Good luck for me.