V0.5 Develop


This is my Fresh-New Blog with version 0.5. Built it for months, some insignificant-like particulars wasted the most time, as an idealist’s stubborn. Looking forward to meet one who like this version.


  1. install rvm
  2. type as below
     rvm install 2.3
     gem install jekyll bundler
     git clone https://github.com/kyshel/kyshel.github.io.git
     cd kyshel.github.io
     bundle install
     bundle exec jekyll serve --host=


  1. This repo is sticky integrated with GitHub. Some links was generated by GitHub path pattern.
  2. The repo has a suppose that it’s hosted on github with github_username in _config.yml, some buttons rely this to work correctly


Made with ❤ by kyshel
Theme from Bootstrap-Examples-Blog
Powered by Jekyll
Hosted on GitHub