One key to save and run remote python code


  • Local PC: Windows 8.1
  • Remote Server: CentOS 7.0
  • Remote Service: Samba (Tutorial click here)

When I debug remote python code, I need putty to connect server, open vim, edit it, save, run.

But if I need to debug more times, it is a waste time to save and run. And as a win-rely user, I prefer SublimeText to edit code than vim.

So, I want to find a simple way to debug remote python code.

The function I want to acheive is, press one key, code will compile and run, I can see the result or error message, like a simple IDE(Integrate Develop Environment).

How to do it?

It is easy to do this, all the thing that you need is a small soft: AutoHotKey. Follow some simple steps as below:

  1. Download and install AutoHotKey
  2. Rightclick desktop > create new file > New >Text Document
  3. rename the extention from .txt to .ahk, we rename save_run.ahk here
  4. rightclick save_run.ahk > edit
  5. save below code to the file:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class PX_WINDOW_CLASS
	sleep, 500


	IfWinExist, root@localhost:~/py/pd
	    ;Format: ControlSend,, KEYS, WIN_TITLE_BY_SPY
		ControlSend,, p{space}{enter}, root@localhost:~    
		MsgBox "Window >>>root@localhost:~<<< not exist"

Have a try

  1. When you done, double click save_run.ahk, then you can see a green icon in taskbar:
  2. open the putty and connect to server, cd to ~, touch
  3. open the file in samba shared folders with sublimetext
  4. press F5, then you can see result in putty

Why I do this?

Maybe you think I am walking a far way to the target, cause you can install python in windows and everything is very simple.

But, I prefer original things, I always think that running python code in linux will robust. When I debug done, I can put it to use instantly in my remoe server, there is no compatible problem.

I am a crazy Unixer. Instantly I fall in love with the simple white character printing on black background when I first exploring Unix world.(I cannot save myself anymore, enh?) And you know that’s called bash.

I like running code in shell. So even in windows, I just only want to modify code. Running task handle to server.

I did not use vim cause it’s a little hard to walk in door, and SublimeText’s sexy face attracted me(Feel myself a bitch .), I do not want to loose the mouse in addtion(So you love the little mouse, I think you need a cat ~.~).

Leading Actor

Last let’s see the leading actor today - AutoHotKey

I call it window’s shell script ,like the shell script in linux. Cause I can do many auto things by it. It’s a big tool to me and it helped me a lot.

Some tips:

  1. Samba’s config is vital, or security issues will happen.
  2. Set two LED display is better, then you can edit in one, show results in another.


This post is created by kyshel

If you have any advice, comment below or leave me a message. Looking foward to be your audience~